Monday, 9 December 2013

A New Movie: Notting Hill

My overall impression of this movie is that I was not at all impressed. She was kind of a jerk, and there was way to much crude language used. I have to admit, there were some hilarious scenes, (the movie did star Hugh Grant after all) and some of the scenes were absolutely romantic.

4/5 humor
2/5 morality/language
3/5 romantic storyline

Thursday, 5 December 2013

My Discoveries: Dubble Bubble

Dubble Bubble 'comic strips' are more lame than I remember...
Also, the 'fun facts' haven't changed in the past ten years. :P
But they're oh so nostalgic.
My sister and my friends and I used to get a quarter from our moms after swimming lessons to go buy candy with. You could get five pieces of Dubble Bubble gum for 25¢. Wow I feel old.

A New Movie: Twelve Years A Slave

   A graphic movie about a black man in the mid-1800s. He was a well-to-do free man, a talented and respected violinist living in New York with his beloved wife and two darling children, until he was kidnapped and sold into slavery.
   What a powerful story, and how dangerous to be a black person in a racist white world.
   Being a white Canadian I cannot imagine what those who have descended from slavery must feel when watching this.
   The terrifying thing about this movie is that it still happens today, kidnapping and selling people into slavery, but usually to women and children, regardless of skin colour.

I'm not sure how to rate this movie. It was very well made, so I guess 5/5. I'm not saying I'd ever want to watch it again though.