I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,
And in Jesus Christ his only begotten Son, our Lord;
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried;
He descended into hell;
The third day he rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
From thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost;
I believe the holy catholic church;
The communion of saints;
The forgiveness of sins;
The resurrection of the body;
And the life everlasting.
I believe Christianity answers the deep questions of life better than any other worldview. I believe that Jesus Christ is God, and the Son of God. I believe that Jesus died on the cross to save humanity from our sins, and rose from the dead three days later, ultimately ascending to heaven to sit at God’s right hand. I realize that if Christ hadn’t given Himself in my stead, if He hadn’t conquered Death through His death, I would be eternally condemned to hell because of my sins against God. Through Christ only I am forgiven, and, as a Christian I can trust that when Christ returns at the end of time He will take me, and everyone else who has trusted in Him as their Savior, up to heaven to be with Him for all eternity. I believe that everyone who has not trusted Christ as their Savior and given their life to Him, will suffer eternal condemnation and agony in hell, where ‘there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth’.
And that last sentence is one of my reasons for this blog. The thought that anyone is going to hell because of choices they've made, sins they've committed... Everyone commits sins, everyone disobeys God. Even Christians. But we have been forgiven, because Jesus Christ, who was GOD, came down from heaven, became a man, and DIED ON THE CROSS for us. He took our punishment for us. He endured hell on that cross. For us, because He loves His people so much. If you are not a Christian, and you are reading my blog, I pray that God would use me as a witness to touch your heart. I pray that He would use me as a tool to bring you to the realization of how great your sin and misery are, and how incredible and great God is, and how forgiving He is, if only you will come to Him and repent, truly asking Him for forgiveness. I want you to share in the joy of having your sins forgiven, the freedom of knowing Christ will take care of you, and all your needs, all you have to do is repent, and give your life to Him.
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