On Saturday my younger brother graduated from grade 8, and I graduated from grade 12. It's kind of crazy. I'm done school. And because I'm not going to college or university, I'm never going to be in school again. Of course, I will always be learning. I love learning, and just because I'm done school does not mean I'm going to stop. For instance, I plan, Lord willing, to work towards my teacher's ARCT over the next five years. That is a lot of learning. Also, this summer I am going to write a paper on Biblical Courtship. Technically I was supposed to have it done for grad, but there was no way I could get that done on top of my other school work. I am very excited to write it; the topic interests me immensely. Also, I have a long list of books to read - both classic and theological. Probably about 40 in total.
I don't think the fact that I've graduated from school has hit me completely yet. Now is the time of my life. I never have to do school again. I never have to learn something I don't want to learn again. I can focus on my piano and working. I can get married - If I meet the man of my dreams. I almost feel a sense of freedom - which is, perhaps, ridiculous, because it's not like I'm going to get a job and move out and do whatever I want. I'm still under my parents' roof, and under their authority. I can't really explain it. But it is a good feeling. :)
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